Adjunct Faculty

In addition to teaching, Ani is a Patent and Trademark Attorney with the firm NK Patent Law

Degree Institution: Nova Southern University, FL Degree: Ph.D

Joel recently joined UNC Charlotte’s College of Computing and Informatoics as part of the adjunct faculty in the Fall of 2019. Joel is a lecturer and Director level IT professional with over 20 years of experience. Currently Joel is the Director of Cyber Analytics and Data Science at TIAA leveraging Data Science and Cyber Security […]

2015 Journal: 4.Straub, J., B. Kading, A. Mohammad, S. Kerlin. 2015. Characterization of a Large, Low-Cost 3D Scanner. Technologies, Vol. 3, No 1. Conference: [40] Mohammad, A., J. Straub. 2015. Open Space Box: Communication to Support Big Data in Orbit. SPIE Defense + Sensing 2015. [39] Mohammad, A., J. Straub. 2015. Economic Analysis of Open […]

Personal Website: Degree: Computing and Information Systems Education: Ph.D., The University of North Carolina at Charlotte, 2013 Isaac Cho’s main research interests are Interactive Visual Analytics, Human-Computer Interactions, 3D User Interfaces, and Virtual Environments. He has served as organizing and program committees of several international conferences such as IEEE VR, IEEE Visualization, IEEE AIVR, […]

I am currently a Senior Vice President at Bank of America responsible for delivering Zero Trust Architecture. I have been an Information Technology & Security professional for 25+ years in financial services, retail and consumer goods industries. I advocate for diversity & inclusion through volunteering at Citizen Schools Links to an external site. program to […]

Gary joined UNC Charlotte’s College of Computing and Informatics in 2019 as an Adjunct Professor. He lectures in both the Computer Science (CS) and Software & Information Systems (SIS) departments for undergraduate and graduate students. Gary is a Director at a Fortune 100 financial services firm where he applies his 15 plus years of experience […]