Emeritus Faculty

Personal Website: https://webpages.charlotte.edu/cma/ Degree Institution: Carnegie Mellon University Degree: Ph.D. Read More

Personal Website: http://webpages.charlotte.edu/chen/ Degree Institution: Duke University Degree: Ph.D. Year Graduated: 1976 Research Areas: AI, Algorithm Analysis and Design, Algorithms and Complexity, Computer and Parallel Architecture, Heuristic Search, Intelligent Systems

Degree Institution: Texas A&M University Degree: Ph.D. Rick Lejk was originally an engineer by education, having graduated from Georgia Tech with his bachelor’s in industrial engineering in 1955. He then joined the Air Force, where he completed a master’s degree in computer science at the University of Michigan in 1960, and then a Ph.D. in […]

Degree Institution: University of Virginia Degree: Ph.D. Year Graduated: 1973 Publications: Maher, M., Cukic, B., Mays, L., Rogelberg, S., Latulipe, C., Payton, J., Rorrer, A., & Frevert, T. (2016). The Connected Learner: Engaging Faculty to Connect Computing Students to Peers, Profession and Purpose. In Frontiers in Engineering Education (FIE), 2016 IEEE (pp. 1-8). IEEE. Maher, […]

Research Areas: Robust Control, Systems, Stability, Machine Learning, Theory and Applications Personal Website: https://coefs.charlotte.edu/swang/

Personal Website: http://webpages.charlotte.edu/abw/ Degree Institution: University of Manchester, England Degree: Ph.D.